The wait is over, Warhammer Christmas is here. The battleforce boxes are now on preorder, so get yours asap!
Inner Circle Task Force (Dark Angels)
Valourstrike Lance (Imperial Knights)
Hypercrypt Legion (Necrons)
Penitent Crusader Host (Sisters of Battle)
These Christmas boxes are great to get your Warhammer 40K army started or to expand on an army you already have some models for. Here is what I think you can do with each of these boxes.
Dark Angels Battleforce box
The Inner Circle Taskforce is amazing if you want to play Dark Angels. If you already have a space marines army, all you need is this box to now also have a Dark Angels army. Just add a Judiciar for the Inner Circle Companions, back them up with a Repulsor with some Eradicators and you have a full list!
Dark Angels Battleforce
Imperial Knights Battleforce box
The Imperial Lance is equally great. This box is a perfect starter for your Imperial Knights, just keep in mind that the big knight doesn’t come with all the parts to make all options. You can’t make Canis Rex out of him for example. You can only make a Knight Paladin or a Knight Errant. So it would be best to get this box, one of the big knights and magnetize it all. You could buy this box twice for the small knights, especially if your local community doesn’t mind you proxying for the big knights.
Imperial Knights Battleforce
Tau Battleforce box
The Tau Retaliation Cadre box is another one that I would buy multiples of. You can get this box 3 times and you won’t regret it. These are all great battlesuits and having 3 of each in your collection is a good idea for when you want to play different playstyles.
Tau Battleforce
Necron Battleforce box
The Necron Hypercrypt Legion box is cool to get one of if you are starting with Necrons. Both the warriors (which can also be assembled as Immortals) and the Lychguard are staples of Necron armies and having at least one unit in your collection is a good idea. Of course the shard of the Void Dragon is amazing to have.
Necron Battleforce
Sisters of Battle Battleforce box
The Sisters of Battle is a decent box if you are just starting out. The Rhinos are always great to have and so are the Flaggelants and Repentia. It’s just really missing a cool character to lead them into battle.
Sisters of Battle Battleforce
More of a fan of fantasy? Then the Age of Sigmar Battleforce boxes are here.