Converting Miniatures

We just got a load of new Stormcast Eternals on pre-order and they are amazing for 40K kitbashes. Let's go through them here and come up with some suggestions.

Here is my shrine to dedicated to Khorne! The Blood God doesn't require prayer and he is served best on the battlefield, but I think he would approve of a ...

The Lord Solar model really doesn't fit the Death Korps of Krieg and so I had to make a kitbash for something more fitting.

Until we have an actual Emperor's Children chapter, these are the bits and pieces you can use to kitbash, convert and proxy for your army.

I love my Krieg army, but there are a lot of units that just don't fit their aesthetic. So I am converting them to be part of my Death Korps of Krieg, starting ...

Give your army a lot more flavour by writing your own custom lore for your Space Marine chapter.

You need books, scrolls and flames for your Word Bearer conversions! In this video I show you all the best kits, bits and proxies for your Word Bearer ...

Fog of Gore