We just got a load of new Stormcast Eternals on pre-order and they are amazing for 40K kitbashes. Let’s go through them here and come up with some suggestions.
New Lord Relictor
Kitbash potential: 10/10
This guy is amazing. I have so many ideas about what to do with him. A chaplain conversion is the most obvious option here. I think that he could also be a good Bladeguard Ancient or Primaris Ancient with that banner he is holding up. The banne itself is an amazing kitbash piece too and I would love to have it in my bits box. Not to mention that hammer.
Kitbash potential 9/10
This guy is literally the executioner of the Stormcast Eternals. When one of them feels that they can’t take another reforging, the Lord-Terminos lops his head off and he won’t come back anymore.
For me, this screams Master of Executions for a chaos space marines army. It’s a great pose, that is a vicious looking axe and with just a little headswap and some 40K bits you’ll have a great new mini.
He could be a great Space Marine Captain as well, of course. Really any melee character that wants to swing a bix axe or big sword (he comes with a massive sword option as well).
Stormstrike Palladors
Kitbash potential: 7/10
I like these guys, because it gives me the opportunity to make Thunderwolf Cavalry that is not Space Wolves. It’s not that hard to make these riders into Ultramarines or Salamanders and then play them as Thunderwolf Cavalry. This gives you the option to play as Space Wolves, but without the Space Wolves.
It’s not going to be a very easy kitbash though. The upper bodies of these Stormcast will need to be replaced to make them look more like marines. It’s going to depend on the sprues if that is going to be easy enough.
Kitbash potential: 8/10
These guys come hot on the heels of the Sanguinary Guard release and it looks like a slap in the face for the Blood Angels players. Majestic wings, heroic poses, why would anyone still want the original Sanguinary Guard?
These are also great proxies for Venetari for the Custodes players. Much cheaper too than the Forge World resin minis.
It will be a bit of work to convert these, but the wings are amazing and I might just get a box only for the wings.
Tornus Redeemed
Kitbash potential: 7/10
And then there is this unit. An amazing sculpt. Brutal and still majestic. Exactly what I want from my Warhammer miniatures. This could be a great proxy for the Sanguinor. I know many Blood Angels players quite like the new Sanguinor model, but personally I am not a fan. It’s too static and too sterile. This looks so much more dangerous.
It will be hard to make this guy into a space marine, but just like the Prosecutors, he is great value for his wings.
Other Stormcast Eternal releases
There are bunch more Stormcast being released right now, but they are not really worth mention here in the context of kitbashing and converting. They are just stormcast and pretty basic characters. You can see the whole release article here on Warhammer Community.