In this video I am converting Ghaunt’s Ghosts to be part of my Death Korps of Krieg army. The original models are really cool, but they just don’t fit the Krieg aesthetic.
My ghosts are rather old veterans that have been gathered together with a commissar to get behind enemy lines for special missions. They have no names, they are numbers still, but maybe if they survive this they can pick their own name and become an example for the rest.
3D Printed Krieg bits
I am using a bunch of 3D printed bits that I bought online. These bits fit the plastic models perfectly and require very little cleanup. So I can highly recommend them.
Almost all these extra parts come from and if you want to get these bits yourself, then you can use my discount code FOGOFGORE-15 to get 15% off your whole purchase. That’s a pretty good deal!
Other bits and pieces
The cloaks are a piece of cheesecloth, but you can use gauze bandages as well, it’s almost the same. This is easy to get.
For the bases, I’m using dead Cadian bits and barbed wire from Green Stuff World. This barbed wire is great and looks perfect on the base with Warhammer minis.
More Death Korps of Krieg videos
I am painting my whole army and publishing the videos one by one. Here are my other videos of the Death Korps of Krieg.
How to paint grey Death Korps of Krieg