Painting grimdark bronze Custodes

This is how I painted my own Custodes army in a grimdark style. Bronze is a great metal to paint as it weathers and get tarnished.

I am a Custodes player myself and have been playing with them since 8th edition. This is how I painted my own army in a super grimdark paintscheme. I want my Custodes to look as if they have been in battle for 10.000 years.

I don’t like the bright and clean gold and red paint scheme that Games Workshop uses. I prefer something darker and that’s how I got to these bronze custodes.

More (simple) grimdark Custodes paint schemes

Do you want some other Custodes colour schemes? How about a grimy and grimdark Solar Watch jetbike. It’s a pretty simple paintscheme that you could follow along with, even if you’re still a relative beginner.

I’m using mainly Games Workshop paints, that you can just get at your hobbystore. But!

I also use some Streaking Grime from AK Interactive and a bit of rust streaks to line the panels. Try out these enamels, even if you are still a beginner. It will blow your mind.

Slapchop Shadowkeepers terminator

Another paint scheme I did is this Shadowkeepers terminator. It’s a very simple paintscheme, I would call it slapchop if I didn’t have a severe dislike for the word 🙂 It’s so simple that you can easily do a unit or 3 in a week.

Painting black is strange, because you shouldn’t use black paint when you are painting black. Rather do some greys and wash it with a super dark blue wash like Drakenhof Night Shade. That way you can get much more detail in your mini.

Check out the Shadowkeeper Custodes video here.

Painting grimdark bronze Custodes
Painting grimdark bronze Custodes


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