Simple grimdark Custodes in Solar Watch paintscheme

This is an easy to follow miniature painting tutorial. Even if you are a relative beginner you can get a result close to this to make your army look great.

Have you ever felt the Custodes look to clean? Then try painting a Solar Watch scheme with a bunch of grime. The white of the armour is a perfect canvas to smear all the dirt on and it will stand out like nothing else.

In this miniature painting tutorial I paint a Custodes jetbike and use a bunch of enamel paints such as Streaking Grime and Rust Streaks to really get the bike as grimy as I can. These enamels are perfect for rusting and griming up your models.

If you have never used any of these, then check out my How to use Streaking Grime video. I give an in-depth explanation of how you can work with them.

Grimdark bronze Custodes

Not a fan of the white and red? Maybe my own paint scheme that is super grimdark bronze and purple is of more interest to you. This is how I painted my own army that I play with.

The grimdark bronze Custodes video is right here.

Slapchop black Shadowkeepers Custodes

On top of all of that I also have a slapchopped terminator video. In that video I show how you can quickly paint a good looking black with basic shading and highlighting without edge highlighting.

It’s a very basic video that you can easily follow along with. Even a beginner painter can get these results and have a great looking Warhammer army on the tabletop in no time.

Check out the slapchop Shadowkeeper Custodes video here.

Simple grimdark Custodes in Solar Watch paintscheme
Simple grimdark Custodes in Solar Watch paintscheme


Fog of Gore